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Writer's pictureLantern Fire and Security


Legislation requires that all people are provided with relevant fire safety information such as the location and operation of panic hardware, door opening devices and emergency security override equipment. Legislation requires appropriate identification and location to all building occupants to ensure effective evacuation.

The same applies for people with special needs who may require assistance to locate designated safe areas as part of their Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). All life safety equipment and designated areas should be appropriately signed.

A key element of effective evacuation is the detection of fire and manual activation of alarm

call points. Legislation requires the duty holder to ensure building occupants can identify and locate this equipment. It is also a requirement that building occupants know the procedure to adopt in the event of fire and alarm activation. the display of appropriate notices, in clear and precise format is recommended to support good fire safety management and formal training.

Typical emergency evacuation area/equipment sign(s)

Refuge or temporary waiting space for disabled people

Fire emergency telephone

Panic hardware / door opening devices / security override sign(s)

Fire alarm call point sign, fire action notice(s) & Fire extinguisher identification notice

Fire alarm call point

Fire action notices

Legislation requires that, where necessary, fire fighting equipment be indicated by signs.

The Duty Holder has an obligation to provide people with information that is essential for their protection. The provision of this information is recommended by government guidance on both building regulations and fire safety legislation.

Further signs that may be required depending on the type and use of the premises. activity, process or practice may require the identification and location of hazards that particularly affect the risk matrix. It may also be prudent that an indication of risk control is displayed where this measure is critical to management of risk. This process will complement the

formal risk assessment and the identified significant findings. The measures will form part of the fire safety manual and risk reduction management.

There are important changes that now require duty holders to audit and review the fire safety signs within their buildings. This audit and review should ensure conformance to BS EN ISO 7010 for graphical symbols that have excellent comprehension credentials.

Fire Safety signs should be reviewed periodically to ensure they continue to support the fire safety vstrategy for the premises.

When purchasing the supply and installation of fire safety signs it should be specified that the design, position and location of the fire safety signs conform to BS EN ISO7010 and BS5499 parts 4 and 10 respectively.

BS EN ISO 7010 Fire fighting equipment sign(s) & Fire safety notice(s)

Fire hose reel location

Dry riser location

Mandatory fire safety instruction notice(s)

Management of risk - Risk/prohibitive action combination sign(s)

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Unknown member
Oct 04, 2019

The problem of

<a href="">Safety</a>

is that people no longer take responsibility for their actions.

There must always be someone else they can blame for what they do to themselve.

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