The Responsible Person, either on their own or with any other Responsible Person, must do their best to make sure that everyone on the premises, or nearby,can escape safely if there is a fire. You should pay particular attention to people who may have a disability or anyone who may need special help.
You must address the following issues:
• Carry out a fire risk assessment and identify possible hazards and risks • Take general fire precautions • Principles of fire prevention are to be applied • Fire safety arrangements, fire safety policy and procedures • Take account of those particularly at risk, i.e. very young people; those with special needs or disabilities; and people working with dangerous substances such as flammable liquids • Provide suitable arrangements to warn people of a fire in the building such as, a Fire Detection and Alarm (FD&A) system • Eliminate or reduce risk from dangerous substances (chemicals etc.) • Additional emergency measures in respect of dangerous substances • Provide adequate means of escape in the case of a fire such as sufficient and suitable fire exits; fire doors and compartments; signs, notices and emergency lighting • Take measures for fire fighting e.g. fire extinguishers • An effective fire emergency plan to be followed in the event of a fire • Maintenance of all fire safety systems and equipment • Ensure capabilities of employees who are given special tasks in terms of fire safety and fire procedures, and provide training to all employees and others who may need it • Regularly review all these processes and amend if necessary